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The Fit Mom Daily

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Recently, I had a chat with a client who felt exactly this way, and it got me thinking. I realized there are eight key habits that might be making nutrition more difficult for many of us. Let’s break them down and talk about practical, faith-filled advice on how to overcome them. 1. Going Too Long […]

8 Things You’re Doing to Make Nutrition Harder


Hey Mommas! If your evenings are anything like mine (when my hubs travels), you’re probably juggling school work, after-school activities, and endless to-do lists. Finding time to whip up a healthy dinner can feel impossible. Leaving you emotionally distressed you end up driving through the fast food line. That’s why I’m pumped to share one […]

Easy Teriyaki Beef Skewers: A Weeknight Winner for Busy Moms


As we reach the middle of the year, it’s a perfect time to revisit and refocus on our goals. Many of us start the year with resolutions, but by now, they might have faded into the background. Fear not, as we dive into effective strategies to reignite those goals and set ourselves up for success […]

Mid-Year Goal Setting Strategies for Success for Fitness and Nutrition


I left my business coach last month. Some of you entrepreneurs might think this was a crazy move. Some of you mommas here might be like, wait whats that? I am used to writing posts and sharing topics written based on conversations I am having with woman, my clients, potential clients and even mommas just […]

Weight loss can feel like an uphill battle, especially with the plethora of misinformation and fad diets circulating today. For women, the journey is often more complicated due to unique physiological factors. Let’s touch on some of the science of weight loss, focusing on evidence-based strategies tailored specifically for women’s health. Understanding Metabolism Metabolism plays […]

The Science-Backed Approach to Weight Loss for Women


As a busy mom, balancing family, work, and personal time can feel like a never-ending juggling act. With so many responsibilities, it’s easy to overlook the importance of proper nutrition, especially when it comes to fueling your workouts. However, what you eat before and after exercising can significantly impact your performance, energy levels, and overall […]

The Ultimate Guide to Pre and Post-Workout Nutrition for Busy Mom


Hey friend! In the world of fitness and nutrition, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by a sea of questions and conflicting advice. But don’t worry! I’ve got your back with the top five questions every woman should nail down. Whether you’re aiming to lose some pounds, tone up, or simply live your best life kids […]

If you believe the myth that women should only do cardio for weight loss and that weight lifting will make you bulky then you are losing in your fitness journey ……. What is weightlifting and what does it do for the body? It’s a powerful tool & activity that used to be thought of for […]

7 Benefits of weight lifting for women


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